Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Birthday/ Specials

The weekend of Danika's birthday was also Bowsman Special meetings. We went and stayed with the Stinson's but first stopped in a the hotel where Daku's and Johnson's were staying and had ice cream cake and pizza. Brodie and Danika are not in swimming attire because we got there to late to swim. L to R Bryden Daku, Brodie, Desta Johnson, Ainsley Stinson, Maya Johnson, Seanna Stinson, Emma Stinson, and Danika blowing out 9 candles.
Mark Stinson and Nevin doing dishes Sunday morning....

All cleaned up and ready for specials, Brodie, Emma, Ainsley, Danika, and Seanna
ooopps computer went wierd this picture is a little out of order...

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