Saturday, October 8, 2011

Long Weekend at Elbow SK

Friends...Rebecca Puffalt, Danika, and Abigail Graham, Shanelle Puffalt
The Graham family...our wonderful hosts
Rebecca, Brodie, Shanelle, Brennan, Abigail, Danika, and Dylan
at the water park in Saskatoon..Brennan, Dylan, Abigail, Danika, and Brodie
good buddies..Brennan, Brodie, and Dylan
Brodie going for a tube ride

Danika taking a turn

digging for treasure
the girls

Shaun getting his revenge
Nevin, Shaun, and Dylan climbed the hill behind us
water gun fun
a "fish" in the water

Abigail and Danika running into the water
loading the guns

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