Saturday, March 5, 2011

February break in Alberta...

In February we went to Alberta for a week. The main reason was because my Grandma Sargeant passed away and we went to her funeral. Then because our kids had the following week off we spent the rest of the time between Taylors and Edmonton. We also had a day at Red Deer visiting Auntie Lorna and Uncle Norman, however of course I forgot my camera that day, so no pictures of them. Also when we went to Galaxyland in WEM, I forgot the camera that day as well. However here are a few of the rest of our time. Above picture is Landen, Brodie, Kara, Danika, and Jenna all ready for Sunday meeting and playing a game on Auntie Laura's phone.
Celebrated Lance's 37th birthday...
and Kara's a bit early....holding up the P.J's from us
Mr.Carter sitting on Grandma Joan's knee
in his bumbo seat...
hangin with Brodie...the oldest and youngest grandchildren on the Morrow side.
the three grandsons...Brodie, Landen, and Carter. I never did manage to get the three granddaughters in one place at the same time.
Brodie diving into the waves at the water park at WEM.
Danika up to her neck and waving...
the audience watching the musical performance...Danika, Dahlia Hughes, Duncan Hughes, Brodie, and Stratton Waltz.

The performers...Avonlea, Chet, Drisilla Waltz played beautifully on their violins...I did have a pic of them but somehow it was deleted...sorry
Nevin and Brodie enjoying the music, I don't have pics of Charlene Hughes and Stratton Waltz playing the cello or Nikki Waltz playing the piano, we sure did enjoy all the musical talent.

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