Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Skiing and Hot Tubbing!!!

First time on skis for both Brodie and Danika....helping Brodie first....
then Danika....
The lesson with Cheyenne and Treyce as well...Victoria was the instructor and they all loved her...she was so good and patient with them all....she ended up giving at least an hour and a half lesson and we only paid for one hour...I think she enjoyed them as well!
Brodie's first attempt...not at all bend over like he is supposed to be...
Danika on the other hand doing EXACTLY what she is told!
Uncle Ryan trying out the slopes....
Brodie going up the magic carpet
and Danika taking a ride...
coming cautiously down...

the spectators inside the lodge... Mom and Carley
Nana getting her picture taken and not knowing it!!
Wyatt taking a hot chocolate break..
Treyce a mountain dew break...
Treyce and Brodie on their own...
Poppa and Carley watching the action....
Now we are in the hot tub!! The lodge we stayed the night at was awesome!! Slept all 12 of us and we got to use the hot tub!!
Treyce and Ryley....
Danika and Cheyenne...
The next day going up the chair lift...
The view of the South Saskatchewan river and valley from the top of the hill...
Danika and Cheyenne coming up for the last run of the day.... by the end of the 2 days these girls had been on every run including black diamond runs and the "show off" run located right under the chair lift! We hope to repeat this experience again soon!!

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