Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Skiing and Hot Tubbing!!!

First time on skis for both Brodie and Danika....helping Brodie first....
then Danika....
The lesson with Cheyenne and Treyce as well...Victoria was the instructor and they all loved her...she was so good and patient with them all....she ended up giving at least an hour and a half lesson and we only paid for one hour...I think she enjoyed them as well!
Brodie's first attempt...not at all bend over like he is supposed to be...
Danika on the other hand doing EXACTLY what she is told!
Uncle Ryan trying out the slopes....
Brodie going up the magic carpet
and Danika taking a ride...
coming cautiously down...

the spectators inside the lodge... Mom and Carley
Nana getting her picture taken and not knowing it!!
Wyatt taking a hot chocolate break..
Treyce a mountain dew break...
Treyce and Brodie on their own...
Poppa and Carley watching the action....
Now we are in the hot tub!! The lodge we stayed the night at was awesome!! Slept all 12 of us and we got to use the hot tub!!
Treyce and Ryley....
Danika and Cheyenne...
The next day going up the chair lift...
The view of the South Saskatchewan river and valley from the top of the hill...
Danika and Cheyenne coming up for the last run of the day.... by the end of the 2 days these girls had been on every run including black diamond runs and the "show off" run located right under the chair lift! We hope to repeat this experience again soon!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Evening in Theodore!

Nevin with Julie Cobb
Megan Cobb, Danika, Katie Sorenson, and Rachel Cobb
Brodie, Chad Young, and Lane Sorenson

On Dec.26th we went down to Theodore and met up with some old friends....I really wasn't too good at getting any pictures...but snapped a few near the end of the evening. We spent time with Cobbs Sr. and Jr., Sorensons, and Youngs, lots of laughs.

Happy 10th Birthday Brodie...Part 1

I am going to be doing Brodie's Birthday in 2 parts because we really never did anything yet as far as a party goes...that is happening next Tuesday....a little late but that is the way it worked this year! So these first pictures is of him opening gifts from us, and trying out his new snowshoes!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Gorgeous Winter Sunset!

One evening we received a phone call from Daryl asking us if we were taking in the sunset...we were not as we were all downstairs...so we hurried up and out to catch this beautiful display of nature!! One of my very favorite things!!

Happy 8th Birthday Danika!

We had Bidewells and G&G over for b-day cake and opening gifts then later you will see we had some girls from school the next day for another party... checking out a new book..
scrapbook...just like Mom!!
Carley freezing and knitting...Ryan was fooling around with the camera and managed to get her doing what she does when she comes to our house Friday nights!
Trying out the new snowshoes from Mom and Dad.
The cake Danika picked this year was very non-girl, but very much her. The comment when picking was "I don't have to have a princess girly cake do I?"
Opening gifts....
The Birthday girl and her friends...Madison P., Brooke B., Madeline S., Mackenzie G., and Halle B.
Blowing out 8 candles..

FLoating the Yard!

This year Nevin created a better float for packing the snow down in the yard...the kids thought it was great and hitched a ride!

Thank-you Aunt Ev!

Linda's sister from Ontario sent this scarf for Danika with Daryl and Linda when they came home from visiting there. It sure is warm, comes in handy while ski dooing and fort building! Thanks again Aunt Ev!

Grandma Morrow's 99th Birthday!

Grandma M. (yellow shawl) turned 99. Sitting at the table with her is Eleanor Morrow and Bonnie Brown...both ladies are in their 90's as well. Behind them are Bonnie Poss and Margaret Hanson.
The 90+ club..
Daryl and Linda with Grandma...
Brodie and Danika...2 of her GREAT grand kids
Opening cards...

Little Friend from Holland..

This cute baby is Tessa Stevens from Holland...her and Mom Kristen were in our meeting and stayed for lunch. She took a real liking to Brodie and smothered him with kisses!