Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Going Retro??

Because of our "flood" we cleaned a few closets etc. and came across Nevin and my grad coats...the kids thought they were very cool and had to try them on..... brought back lots of memories of days gone by!! 18 years for Nevin and 17 for me since graduation!

First day of School 2010!

The best pic of the two of them...Danika looks like she is in pain..but their eyes are open at least!
Brodie( looking very handsome) going into gr.4!
Danika (our baby) going into gr.2
and off they go again for another year... with back packs bulging because they had to take everything themselves!
Our big second grader at her desk
Cheyenne( Bidewell) is in Brodie's class
Brodie's teacher had sent a letter in the mail to let the kids know that they were to come on the first day of school in Rider gear...they had a whole day of kick off to gr.4 to a football (Saskatchewan Roughrider) theme ...very cool Brodie is with his watermelon helmet.
at his desk..

Sask Landing!!

This past July we met Lance and Susan and their family down at Sask Landing for a week of camping and such. I never did get a photo of our campsite but it was great, we were able to park side by side and share the two campsites. We might have to make it a yearly event...a very nice spot to camp. Our first day at the beach we did some digging...Nevin with no legs...
a body less Brodie
Jenna and Danika
A luxury at the beach... a hot tub
One place we went to while at Sask Landing was the sand dunes not to terribly far away... they are truly awesome, constantly changing and moving. The sand is super fine and soft a great place to spend the afternoon. Here Nevin is helping Jenna and Danika up the steep side.
Cousins as well as friends Danika and Jenna
Landen loving the sand
The climber of the group....once I got to the top I stayed there....Brodie went up and down and up and down....oh to have that kinda energy
one of the trips up he wanted me to take a shot of him looking like he can barely make it....
Grandpa helping the kids dig to...??? China?? They did make an impressive hole, until Grandpa couldn't go any deeper.
Found a hole to sit in..
Brodie(9), Jenna(6), Kara(4), Landen(22mths), Danika(7)... the five of them actually sat for the picture, too bad I had moisture on my lens:(
Doing what boys do...
Five cousins making footprints in the sand...

Danika not actually holding Landen's hand... looks more like she's dragging him...
Lance's hard work..on the side of a sand dune
Brodie doing what he does best.... two things he does best...digging and getting dirt..
One afternoon in the campground there was a dinosaur presentation that we went the kids are looking at fossils...
Jenna being the "bottom" of the dinosaurs leg
and a fossil of dino poop for all to enjoy!
As part of the dinosaur presentation the kids were all given a plate, sand, (with fossils in it) microscope, and tweezers so they could be like "real" paleontologists.(I think that is the right term!)
Jenna looking to find some sort of a fossil....
Brodie intently searching...
Kara getting help from Auntie Rhonda, finding dinosaur bones.
You woulda though these three were at war with the people on the beach...they were kinda hard to miss however three grown men sneaking up to the beach on their bellies with water guns...they did take to shooting sea gulls and hitting them and that was funny! We can't say they never entertained us! Nevin, Phil W., and Lance.
Miss D. putting on flippers...seems to me not the easiest way to do that job!
Brodie digging with yes, a spade...the plastic shovels break way to easy for this boy!
Jenna trying out the boogie board
Landen loving water and sand all at once!
Danika in the water yet again....if she had her way she'd never leave the water!

Very Good Excuse!!

I know it has been a super long time since I last updated...I still have summer holiday pics and now the kids first day of school has come and gone a week and a half ago..... but I have a VERY good reason why this time...not just lazy... the above picture tells the story...yep we came home to FIVE inches of water in the basement from one end to the other! I really count my blessings that it was not sewer water but clean rain water but all water stinks when it is in your basement and there is carpet and bedding involved! So as you can tell from this picture our computer is sitting in water....not good for a computer...however we did manage to save ....after some ordeal ...the hard drive... so know I am back in business and can update all you lovely people that actually take time to keep up with our lives!