Sunday, June 14, 2009

Motherwell Homestead....Brodie's gr.2 field trip

A Victorian tea, the boys had to pull out chairs for the girls... much to their dismay!
The wagon ride that toured us around.
Making butter!!
Planting kids are never this enthusiastic at home...
Part of the wooden play train...this one is for Nana... Cheyenne and Brodie
Motherwells original house very nicely kept
A pair of shoes his daughter wore.... I have one word....ouch!
Played a game of farming to demonstate how tough it was to make money. The picture below is helping to make a log cabin.

At the end of May Brodie's class went on a field trip to Motherwell. Motherwell is the name (last) of a man that came to Saskatchewan and helped the farmers out a great deal at the government level. His farm is now a historical site and quite worth the drive. There are tour guides there dressed in the appropriate clothes for that era, and were very informative.

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