Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to Wyatt and Me!

A kiss from his favorite Aunt!
The two birthday people Wyatt and me...our birthdays are only 2 days apart! Carley brought over a cake and we celebrated. Wyatt is 14 and me well..???

Future Football Player!

Danika posing in her cousin Wyatt's football gear...she sure looks tough!

A favorite hiding place...

Brodie... they both think this is a great place to hang out.. the washing machine!

Winners at Track ad Field!!

once again I loaded these pictures backwards... blonde moment...anyway if you start at the bottomof this post you can follow the sequence of events as they happened in order... Danika shared her medal with Bear!
Way to go Brodie and Danika
Adin, Rylan, Brodie and JanMark..with their medals
Danika and her medal
red ribbons all around

Brodie running...(second from left)
watching to see where his ball landed..
then not on two feet...
on two feet...
wow can this kid throw!
hit the sand but made the mark..
made it..!
Danika running her race..(far left)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Play Ball!!

Danika making sure I was there to take her picture... These pics are of her baseball windup...they played the rookie boys and she told me they took the "B" outta boys!
waiting for the next pitch
a swing.... and a miss...
Brodie also played ball. He played at the mosquito level this year. Here he is waiting on third
playing left field..
up to bat..
Here is the whole team. Brodie is second from the right crouched down. This team got second at the championship game losing 5-3. But they had an 8 and 0 record during the season.... !

Motherwell Homestead....Brodie's gr.2 field trip

A Victorian tea, the boys had to pull out chairs for the girls... much to their dismay!
The wagon ride that toured us around.
Making butter!!
Planting kids are never this enthusiastic at home...
Part of the wooden play train...this one is for Nana... Cheyenne and Brodie
Motherwells original house very nicely kept
A pair of shoes his daughter wore.... I have one word....ouch!
Played a game of farming to demonstate how tough it was to make money. The picture below is helping to make a log cabin.

At the end of May Brodie's class went on a field trip to Motherwell. Motherwell is the name (last) of a man that came to Saskatchewan and helped the farmers out a great deal at the government level. His farm is now a historical site and quite worth the drive. There are tour guides there dressed in the appropriate clothes for that era, and were very informative.

Cleaning up

The easy part was knocking the trees down now the hard part of picking up the mess left behind. One cool Saturday we got busy and did some cleaning up. I never did get a picture of Brodie.... hmm where was that boy??

Music Festival....(a little late)

Both Brodie and Danika participated in the Quill Plains Music Festival. Brodie played Ode to Joy and Danika played M Pony and When the Saints Go Marching In. Cameras are not allowed during performances so here are a few pictures of them at home with their instruments and awards. The festival was in March and I forgot to post them... so better late then never I guess!