Thursday, July 19, 2007

High Speed Internet... An Amazing Thing

Wow this is so exciting.... I have no idea where to start! We just got high speed internet so now I created a blog for anyone interested in keeping up with our life! I really don't know much yet about setting up a blog but will learn as I go I guess. Maybe in the near future I will get brave and post pictures! So here goes....

1 comment:

Charlene Hughes said...

Well I'm just getting into the blog thing with others to, though I have nothing setup yet for us. Hope you are all well... Summer has been crazy busy.. Gone somewhere every weekend... This weekend Grandpa's farm sale.. (Jane Hazelwood and the kids are coming during the week) Next weekend reunion... Then long weekend take kids down south so we can go east... next weekend out east... hopefully after that things will slow down!!! It has been fun... just haven't time to think... Easton's surgery went well.. only barfed on the way home in the vehicle and then slept the rest of the day.. no pain really though so that was good. Pretty long comment... hope you don't mind. Charlene