Monday, July 30, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Brodie is in Level 1 this year and is getting lots better at keeping his face in the water for his glides and floats.
Danika is in" salamander" this year and loving it. Her proud moment was jumping off the diving board by herself.

Sunday Picture

Wyatt..Brodie..Ryley..Treyce..Danika..Cheyenne.. all stopped long enough for a quick photo.

Little Pigs...or Little Kids???

Cheyenne and Brodie with the "mud bog " taking place behind them!
We have been experiencing some very high temperatures so Cheyenne,Brodie,Treyce,and Danika decided that playing in the mud kept them cool!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday Afternoon at the Park...

Sunday afternoon we went to the park with some of our friends. It was a very hot day but we managed to find some shade as the kids ran around. As you can see there is a few" monkeys" among us.

Spending Time With Our Alberta Cousins..

This past week we have been having fun with Susan and her girls, Jenna and Kara. A box was a big hit, and kept the kids amused for quite some time.... as was the big truck, the horn and jake brakes were a big hit!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hmmmm some technical difficulties.. I will try again! We played some backyard football the other night while waiting for supper to cook on the bbq. Here ( hopefully) are some pics from our fun.

Backyard Football

Thursday, July 19, 2007

High Speed Internet... An Amazing Thing

Wow this is so exciting.... I have no idea where to start! We just got high speed internet so now I created a blog for anyone interested in keeping up with our life! I really don't know much yet about setting up a blog but will learn as I go I guess. Maybe in the near future I will get brave and post pictures! So here goes....