Monday, May 23, 2011

Fiddle Concerts

This picture is out or order, it should be with the bottom picture...this is Brodie playing at the lodge talent night.
Danika playing her two pieces at the year end concert.
Brodie played three songs at year end
All the fiddle students in Kelvington with their teacher Lyndsay. Back row is Tyrel Geck and Daylin Novak middle row is Brodie, Rylan Geck, Danika, Amanda Brownlee, Lyndsay, front row is Austin Novak, Aaylia Mason, Aylia Geck, Carter Novak, and Hunter Novak
Brodie and Danika with Lyndsay
Danika playing at the lodge talent night


Danika and her friend Mackenzie found some mud and decided it needed to go on their faces ....they were pretty pleased with themselves!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Flooding!!!

The destruction that this years spring flooding brought was immense! I posted a few pictures to give you some idea. Above is over at Ryan and Carley's, this is their main way to the highway
this is just south of us where the kids bus driver lives...good thing they were on spring break when this all went down, he couldn't get in his driveway for four days!
a very familiar sign around these parts....
Our road out to the north of us...
our road out to the south of us....
a homemade bridge our neighbor made so he could get out..
the ravine going over the road not to far from our place....nice waterfall!
the same ravine a few days later...major work needs done this summer

Moose in the Marsh..

One morning when Nevin looked out this is what he saw...a mama moose and her baby trying to make it across the marsh...

Let's Go Fly a Kite....

Flying one handed..

Carefully concentration...

Costco had these great 3D kites....Danika's is a butterfly and Brodie's is a plane....lots of fun and memories made flying them!! Was a bit chilly on this day but we JUST had to try them out!