Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What an Achievment!

In the Spring when Brodie was still in grade 3, he was to write a mystery story. So he did, and entitled it The Shiny Car Mystery. Then his teacher Mrs O, (in picture with Brodie) along with the rest of the classes stories sent them all away to a publishing company in B.C.. In June we received a letter informing us that Brodie's story was chosen to be published in a book. Wow what an honor! THEN in September this same publishing company phoned us to tell us that Brodie's story had won second place in a story competition. They divided Canada up into three categories according to population... so Ontario is one Alberta and B.C. is another then the rest of Canada is the third .... So Brodie;s story was in the third group, obviously, and his story finished second! WOW!! First place was given to a girl in Newfoundland. So he received certificates, a free book with his story in it $25 for his school, and $50 for himself. So we are all very proud of his achievement! Here he is at the newspaper office with his teacher getting their picture. Way to go Brodie!!

A Beautiful October Sunset!!

The pictures speak for themselves

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cheyenne & Danika

These two girls are 15 months apart in age, they are cousins as well as friends. Last Saturday was a beautiful fall day and Cheyenne came over for the day...we all thought it would be fun to do a photo shoot just the two of them..so we went into the bush and to the old house ( even to the old outhouse) and then back to our yard and had so much fun! They really do look a lot alike... and of course they has to dress as much a like as possible....so there might be a few photos that you can't see their faces and it is hard to tell who is who....(wonder if Nana can even tell them apart?) Enjoy!!