Sunday, July 25, 2010

Trip to Northern Alberta

Just west of Humboldt this is the scene major flooding over the highway...when we left we were still able to drive through on the way home it is closed to traffic with a big detour

eeeekkk where is the sides of the road... a little unnerving
view out my window
Nevin playing soccer before the fireworks
matching friends...Danika and Katie Sorenson
fireworks on July 1st

matching again at convention... Danika, Katie S. and Katrina Bidewell

Dunvegan bridge

view of that lake that is damned up to make the Bennett dam

a turbine
the box looking structure is where we went into the dam (underneath technically) on the tour bus.
Bennett Dam
Helping Grandpa celebrate his birthday at the Dunvegan Park
two strays that wandered in...
ahhh normal
still in love after almost 12 years!
Daryl and Linda

Six happy travellers

FInally, the Cast Comes Off!

Ooops downloaded backwards again... the skinny hairy arm
can you tell which one had been broke?
The nurse cutting the cast off...exactly six weeks from when the cast was put on...he needed to wear a brace for support for two weeks after the cast was off, but he grew stronger every day and soon even the brace was off!