Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Last Wednesday seen the last of soccer for the Spring...Danika going for a goal...
Brodie trying to score on his sister... and he did!
Brodie and Rylan Geck is on the right in the picture..
Danika keeping limber in net while waiting for some action!

Track and Field!!

Last Wednesday the rain held off long enough for the track and field meet.
Both kids did very well...as you will see Danika received a medal because she reached her high in all events... Brodie did very well reaching his high in three of the four events and getting his low in ball throw...all with a cast on his arm!
In the picture of Brodie doing ball throw you also get a peek at Grandma and Grandpa M. watching.

Monday, June 21, 2010

School Swimming

Every year in June the elementary school goes swimming as part of their P.E. program these pictures are all of Danika because of course Brodie has a cast on and can't go swimming.
Coming up after a swim under water...
Playing ball with her teacher Miss Bortis...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Do...After a Quad Ride!

You really can't see all the mosquito's that are in his hair and face but they were there! the wind made his hair stand straight up!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fiberglass cast at last!!

Soccer in the house...eekkkk!

The new camo fiberglass cast
A happy boy with his lighter cast..
This camo cast is just a new design, he could of picked any color under the rainbow as well, this cast is so nice and it allows him to do most anything, he is practicing track and still doing well so happy about that. He can't play baseball with his team but he can do soccer. He needs the cast on for 4 more weeks so right when school is done he gets the cast off! The latest X-ray is showing the bone to be healing properly, he did however faint on me when they cut the old cast off to get an X-ray, he said it never hurt but just looking at his arm made him feel hot and sick...I don't think we have a doctor in this boy!