Tuesday, May 25, 2010


They had to split the cast after surgery as the swelling got to much and was causing a lot of pain.
A lot of autographs!

Brodie fell out of a tree eleven feet after the branch he was on broke! This is the result! He was soooo brave through it all and never cried! He had to have surgery but not pins or plates so that is a relief! He goes tomorrow back to the surgeon to make sure everything stayed in place and hopefully get a fiberglass cast. Keeping our fingers crossed that the cast only needs to be on for 4 weeks! So everything came to an abrupt halt...baseball...violin...soccer....swimming...

Visitors from the East...

At the beginning of May Linda's sister Ev and Bob came for a western tour... and we were one of their stops! Good to see them again!

Talent Night!

Danika on piano
Brodie on violin.
Once again Brodie and Danika were asked to play at the talent night... they did super! Next year Danika is going to take violin as well.


Here are some pictures of proof that renos are continuing at our place.. next phase siding and eavstroughs!

Wind Storm

What the wind did to our awning on our trailer while we were on our holiday.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trip to the West Coast

Well finally I got our trip to the west coast uploaded...I will let them do their own talking The first pictures are of Montana, then West Yellowstone, Yuba City,through the Redwoods, up the Oregon Coast then home again. We rented a car and the odometer was at about 35000 kms in one of the last pictures you will see it is at 40784! Lots of miles and lots of memories and spectacular scenery! Enjoy!