Sunday, March 7, 2010

Last Sunday night we celebrated Linda's birthday a week late! We were also entertained by some very good musicians.
Danika watching and singing...
Happy Birthday Grandma!!

Aunt Vera Goes Trucking...

Aunt Vera is on her home visit from China and she is staying around Kelvington for a bit. Last week she made a trip to Tisdale with Nevin. She told us it was her first time in a big truck! She was a little reluctant to drive however...I don't blame her!

Visitors departing

We looked out our window one morning to see these two deer in our yard. Of course by the time I got the camera they were leaving in a hurry.

Heaps of Snow

In February we had a good old fashioned snow storm, that blew and stormed and left tons of this picture the kids are standing on the driveway trying to show how deep the drift was that Nevin snowplowed through.
some blocks of snow

where is the driveway???
we should have lots of runoff come spring time...

Danika's Fancy Hairdo...

Decided one Saturday night to try a hairdo that I had seen...Danika was the poor guinea pig...