Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holidays with Family!!

Last Christmas I told everyone that Christmas was going to be in Saskatchewan....and it was! Most everyone was able to come! We had a blast ...lots of food,music, games,chatting and late nights...what the holidays are all about! Above is the kids with the cake that Nana brought from Dairy Queen for their birthdays!
Cheyenne, Danika, and Jenna
hockey on the dugout...

The next generation figuring out the accordion
the popular game, blokus
Danika singing "Rubber Dolly"
Our entertainment.... they sounded great together
Kids and Nana enjoying dinner
Ryley and the drumstick
Grandpa taking a pre dinner nap and Kara

Making houses...

Once again Auntie Susan came to the rescue, bringing all the supplies to make these great houses....Danika and her completed creation...
Grandma M and Landen watching the action...
Brodie advising Auntie Susan where to add more icing....
Kara waiting patiently...
Very intense...

Brodie's 9th Birthday!

Opening gifts from Nana and Poppa...
Opening gifts before school...
Lots to read this year!
Party on the ice...L to R...JanMark, Adin, Brodie,and Rylan. The dugout froze up perfectly this year so this is where Brodie wanted his party!
Even had cake and pop on the ice... no one wanted to go in the house
More hockey....
in action..
gift from the Taylors..

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas Concert

Brodie and Danika's Christmas concert...both of their classes needed to dress in pj's so that was quite easy.

Danika is the tallest in her class so she is always at the back..hard to see her...her pj's are pink and brown if that helps...


One Sunday afternoon our neighbor phoned us to tell us we had mooose in our Fabba beans...the pictures are a little blurry as I tried to zoom in. They hung out there for quite awhile till a vehicle came and scared them away.

Danika's 7th Birthday!

Gifts from Nana and Poppa..

Gifts from the Taylors...

OOPPS... got her day backwards... blowing out her birthday candles
the party girls..On Danika's right then clockwise...Halle, Jaycee, Madeline, and Madison
Opened gifts
Opening gifts from Dad and Mom before then bus came...

The Sun in the East and West

The sun coming up....
The sun going down... both of these photos were taken in November when we were still trying to get the crop in, truly reminds us of the beauty in creation.