Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Pictures of Kids!

Yesterday the kids and I were finally able to get our annual photo shoot is the result!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

School Rememberance Day Service

Here are Danika and Brodie singing in the Remembrance Day Service at school.


Cheyenne a cracked egg, Danika a clown, Ryley a rooster, Brodie a pirate, Treyce a coffee crisp, I am quite sure you all can tell who the more "creative " Mom is!
Cheyenne and her friend ...cracked eggs

Face Painting!

On Wednesday after school there is a program called Buddies where children 5 -10 are invited to come and have some fun... this day it was face painting... Cheyenne and Danika are showing off their faces..
Cheyenne a horse....
Danika a puppy...

Thanksgiving and the first SNOW !!!

On Thanksgiving weekend we got our first snow.... thankfully it did not stay around! The kids however had lots of fun piling, pushing, creating, and biking in it. Treyce with a little push was able to get going...
Brodie shoveling and Treyce watching...

Cheyenne and Danika trying to create a "track"...
Ryley making roads to bike down...