Monday, October 5, 2009

First Day of School

I uploaded these backwards and I am only a month late doing it! Things have been crazy! Danika is in grade 1 now and loving it! Here she is in her desk beside her good friend Madeline.
My big grade oner!
Waiting for the bus... I really didn't get many pictures of Brodie's first day of grade 3 and I am likely going to regret that later...


This was the view across our driveway this summer....beautiful!! The pictures explain themselves.

Our ray of sunshine amongst the sunflowers.

Look Where we are Mom!!

Brodie and Danika decided one day to see just how far up the spruce tree they could go.... then called for me to come and see, so I decided to take a picture of them for all their efforts, then I panicked!
Here is the view from the ground, they are about 3/4 the way up!