Saturday, January 10, 2009

Climbing Snow Hills!

Well I am finally caught up! These pictures were just taken today! The kids had so much fun climbing up and down and up and down! If only I had half their energy!

Our Time in Edmonton with Special Friends...

On our way home from northern Alberta we spent some time in Edmonton with Darrick and Charlene and family. We went to a very cool place in Sherwood Park called The Millienum Center. We skated and swam and the kids played at the play center. Only got skating pictures as my batteries died in my camera.

Gingerbread House at Nana's!

During the holidays the kids, Nana and myself made a gingerbread house. Kourtnee, Brodie , Danika, and Emilee, proudly display the finished product.

Celebrating 10 Years...a little late

When we were at Dad and Mom's over the holidays, we managed to get away for two nights, while the kids stayed with Dad and Mom. Here is a few shots of the very nice room we stayed in... as well as the gifts from a very thoughtful couple. The basket with the glasses was full but we ate all the stuff before I remembered to take a picture! Thanks Phil and Rhonda for making our anniversary even more special!

Happy Birthday Brodie!

These pictures are backwards but they are all of Brodie's many parties! Emilee and him celebrated together when we were at Dad and Mom's as their birthdays are only 5 days apart.
What he wanted most of all... goalie pads! Him and Danika are always playing hockey in the basement, and now he looks like an official goalie!
Opening his gift from Uncle Lace and Auntie Susan...
His party at the bowling alley...
Bowling with Carter Novak and Rylan Geck.

Happy Birthday Danika!

Danika celebrated her sixth birthday in December. Here she is with friends at the bowling alley for her "real" bday party.
Opening gifts...
She also had a family party, however only the Bidewells could come as Grandpa Morrow was sick so they could not be there.
Danika and Nevin made this cake... they accidentally put it in to small of pan but it sure was yummy!
Opening her gifts the morning of her birthday before the bus came for school... was a crazy morning!

Our Special Guests!

We had the privilege of Mary Roper and Lynn Higgins stay with us. While they were here we help celebrate Lynn's birthday with a candle in her pancake!

Spider Man!!

At the end of November we went to Regina to agribition of the hotels we stayed in had a spider man theme room for the kids! It had everything spider man you could think of! The kids thought it was very cool and want him at home in their rooms... Dad and Mom think in the hotel room its great not so great at home!

Burning Piles!

Last Spring we pushed most of the trees around our house. In these pictures we are burning those piles! Wow did they give off a lot of heat! Now they still are continuing to smolder and stink us out if the wind is from the wrong direction!

Meeting Baby Landen..

We finally made it out to Ponoka to meet Landen in November. We had a five day break from school. We left on a Friday and made it to Darren and Nikki Waltz's for the night and part of Saturday. That is their kids(minus Avonlea) with our kids on the stairs. We also managed to get to Red Deer for a quick visit with Uncle Norman and Auntie Lorna (Lindquist). I think the rest of the pictures are self explanatory. We were all very happy to finally meet Landen in person and give him cuddles and love.

We're Back!!!

I know it has been a very long time since there has been any activity on our blog:( I finally got a new camera and am slowly figuring out how to use it! So I will post some pictures from the last few months, so if you don't mind reading old news....wish me luck I hope to get all caught up today!