Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Present ....

This is especially for you Mom and Dad, this is what I bought with the birthday money you sent is stenciling on my wall in the living room... we just got it up tonight. I think it looks great! Thanks again!


Danika doing the back float...
Danika jumping off the diving board...
Brodie performing the star fish....

Brodie doing the back crawl through a hoop...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Afternoon......

Brodie and Danika posing for Mom

Danika having a cereal snack

Brodie wishing someone would play catch

Quiet Time ...Quiet Thoughts...




Greenwater Lake!

Cheyenne and Danika took time out of the water for this photo.... they both love the water!
Brodie laying in the "pool" that he made on the beach.
Brodie standing on the monkey bars...
Danika getting a helping hand from Grandpa to get across to the other side...

Our Aussie Mates!

At Smeaton Convention we met this family from Australia that are touring western Canada in seven weeks. We had the privilege of having them come to our house one afternoon. In this picture is Lachlan, Judith holding Laura, Ryan , Ashton and Shanae Tilley.
Ashton and Brodie became very good friends in the short time we were with them at convention and at home. They are only one month apart in age and are very much alike!

Last day of Gr.1

Brodie is officially done gr.1 and passed into he is with his teacher, Miss Bortis on his last day.

A Change of View...

This is how our view to the southwest was before...
Here it is during destruction...

Danika was a very enthusiastic watcher....did not have time to take pj's off even..
Here is the view now.....we love it!