Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Track and Field

long jump
ball throw
high jump

Year End Party

Going for a strike....
Snack time...

Danika's playschool group had a bowling party for the end of the year. She had so much fun, and is defiantly looking forward to kindergarten this fall. She is fourth from the right in the pink and brown.

Kids against Parents

The parents played the kids for their last soccer game, it was hard to get pictures as no one of course stays in one place very long. Brodie is in the orange hat

Nut Lake Game Farm

This year for Brodie's field trip they went to a game farm. The elk were the biggest attraction there. Brodie (in the orange hat) feeding an elk a handful of oats. This particular elks name was Honey and did she ever love all the attention from all the eager little hands.
A baby elk one day old running to find its mom.

Brodie holding a set of elk horns. Right now they can sell them for $20 a pound...it was up to $100 a pound at one time.

Trampoline Fun

The kids wanted me to take pictures of all the stunts they can do on the tramp... so one nice evening recently I did...here are a few samples.