Sunday, April 27, 2008

Music Festival..

I have no pictures of Danika playing at the music festival as cameras were not allowed... however just thought I would let you all know that she did very well. She was the youngest in both classes that she was in,and she got the certificate of merit both times. Her marks were 85% for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and 86% for Jump Rope Fun. Her Dad worked very hard with her on her timing and that is what they were looking for. So we were very proud of her. Both the kids are playing in an upcoming talent night as well as recitals and I will have pictures then. Brodie was too shy this year to do the festival but he assures me that next year he will be there!

Baby Calves!

Here are a few pictures of the new babies... we now have 11... 9 more to go!

A Lost Tooth!

Danika lost her first tooth the other day... I thought she was to young to lose teeth so was convinced she hit it on something and made it loose, however on closer inspection seen another tooth coming behind I guess even before you start school you can loose teeth!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The First Signs of Spring...

A very beautiful spring day today....which we will enjoy seeing as by Sunday we are to have snow again!! On this past Monday it was up to 28 degrees warmer than we had last August. Our snow is almost gone except in the trees and shade. The kids are enjoying being able to be on the swings and sandbox again. Bring on the sun!!!!!!

Glasses For Brodie!

Brodie had to get glasses as well... really does change his looks... we asked for "boy proof" glasses and the optometrist looked at us kindly and said, "we will be seeing a lot of each other" so I guess there is no such thing! He is quite careful thus far and takes them off for gym, so I guess that is all we can ask for.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Our Two Munchkins

Here is a shot of the kids a couple of Sundays ago...everyone looks less than enthused!

Science Center in Regina

Well it did not work as I thought it would with the whole disposable camera thing... nothing works like a real camera I guess. So here are a few of the pictures that you can actually tell who the people are...... here is Danika and Brodie standing in front of the WORLD!
Dinosaurs are the big thing right now at the science center we went to see them in the Imax as well... they still seem real fake to me..... here Brodie is standing by one... I have no idea what one and even if I did I could not spell its name correctly!
I am not at all sure what this statue is ... but my daughter thought the whole sticking out its tongue was cool. So she thought I better take a picture. Glad to see her tongue is in her head in this picture!