Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nevin and Trevor celebrate number 34!

Trevor Lennox and Nevin grew up together and celebrated many birthdays together. They are only 11 days apart. Trevor and Heather came for the weekend so we celebrated their 34th birthdays.

Doin' the TWIST!!

Here was a very hilarious and entertaining fun over the holidays. Brodie, Ryley and Nevin trying to stay in the game...
Cheyenne, Ryley and Carley getting "twisted". The adults seemed to have a hard time twisting... especially after a big meal!!
We went swimming and water sliding in we are in the hotels swimming pool. Nevin, Lance and Jenna, Danika and Brodie in the foreground. We did go to the Gallagher Center the next day but was hard to get any photos.
Nevin holding Jenna, Danika and Brodie.

I hope this works... it is hard to make out but it is of Nevin coming down the slide first than Brodie and at last Danika. We had lots of fun!!

Gingerbread Houses

Over the holidays, while Lance and Susan were here we built some gingerbread houses. Here is some pics of the work in progress and the finished product. Even I made one... to much fun to resist.

What is better.... the gift or the box???

Brodie received a GT for his birthday, however the box seems to be the hit!!

The Brodster is Seven!!!

Brodie turned seven on December 22nd... here he is with his friends...back row... McKenna, Mardi...front row...Danika, Rylan, the birthday boy, Dakota, and Adam.
Here is the pile of Lego he got. He loves the stuff and has hours of fun with it. (If you are wondering about the patch on his eye, he is not a pirate, it is to strengthen his other eye.)

Saturday, January 12, 2008


OK I am quite sure for those of you who do look on here once in awhile you are wondering why I am not updating ......... it is NOT my fault this time......... there is some kind of problems with the program itself......... so as soon as I can update I will..... I am getting quite a back long of pics! Brodie's b-day, holidays, etc. ..... so don't give up on us.