Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where are we???!!

I am sure if you visit us here you are wondering what ever happened to us...well the biggest problem is my camera died and I finally got a new one.....however until I get to a place bigger than Kelvington I still can't use the new camera as I need to get a memory card. SO until that happens I guess we are on hold here. We are all still alive and well... the biggest change is I am working full time at the school as an EA... so for those of you that I used to phone during the day that is not going to be happening so much any more. When I get new pictures I will be sure to post ...till then keep checking back! Heather

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Beautiful Harvest Colors...

Sun going down...
Golden swath of oats...
Pink clouds...
All the colors of the rainbow...
Silhouetted trees...

There Goes My Baby...

Danika's first day of kindergarten was last Wednesday....she was VERY ready... I was NOT!
Climbing onto the big yellow bus.
First art project with Madeline Schwanke.
Sitting at her table....
Of course the Broadster went off to gr.2 last Monday, was not ready for him to go back either, even needed to buy bread form the corner store on Sunday so he could have a sandwich! Mom needs to get back into the swing of things both emotionally and physically! Went grocery shopping on Wednesday and I am sure anyone who seen my cart musta thought I was crazy! Should be good for awhile now! School lunches here I come....groan.

Last Time at the Beach..

We spent one last day at the beach when Erwin and Sam and the girls were here. Here is the start of a very large pool.
These three girls spent most of the day out in the water... Cheyenne, Danika, and Emilee.
Cheyenne the mermaid...
Emilee the mermaid..
Kourtnee the mermaid... all the mermaid tails were created be Savannah!


These pictures are especially for Nana and Poppa, the nine grandkids we are together for the first time in a long time,so tried to take some photos to remember the event...for those of you looking at this and not knowing who everyone is I will start at Danika(the only one NOT looking at the camera:( )
and will go clockwise ..Danika 5, Cheyenne 6, Brodie 7, Emilee 7, Kourtnee 9, Treyce 9, Ryley 11, Wyatt 13, Savannah 15.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ten Roses!!!

Ten beautiful roses for ten great years. These are from Nevin to me on our 10th anniversary. They are gorgeous and the picture does not do them justice, but I thought I would share them with you anyways!

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Family Picture!

We took a picture before everyone left... Kara, Lance, Susan, Heather, Nevin, Linda, Daryl, Jenna, Danika, and Brodie.

Weekend Company!

This past weekend we had company from Alberta.. Phil and Rhonda Walters and Lance Susan Jenna and Kara. We had lots of fun with them all... they brought fireworks for Grandpa's birthday but my camera died just before the show:( So you will just have to imagine how pretty they were! Here are a few shots of the kids together.

oops wrong order..

Sorry but I put our trip in the wrong order ...started at the last day and finished with the first day.. I am sure that you get the idea...

(mini golf)

The last day we played a round of mini golf...it was the kids first time to play ad they did really well... a lot of hole in ones... and had lots of fun. Here they are in action and trying to figure out how it all works...

(hike to the dunes)

One day we hiked about 20 minutes to the sand dunes...

(the water)

The water was also a hit ...... Brodie is going through his "mud bog" that he and his cousins made.... Danika would of packed water all day in her pail to make mud...and the water was so shallow that the kids took a trip to the buoys.

Camping Trip at Good Spirit Lake..(the beach)

The kids loved the beach...making all sorts of sand "things" like these chairs, as well they buried each other.


We planned a surprise birthday party for Daryl's 65th Birthday... It was a success as he was surprised! I missed the initially surprised look but here he is waiting to blow out his candles with perhaps a little help from his grandkids... Linda was a spectator to the event!

The cake...we figured that 65 candles would burn the house down..so we settled for 16.
The surprise guests....Jan and George Cobb,Lorraine and Alan Geck, Eloise Lowe, Eleanor Morrow, Deanna Hall, & Grandma Morrow

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Present ....

This is especially for you Mom and Dad, this is what I bought with the birthday money you sent me..it is stenciling on my wall in the living room... we just got it up tonight. I think it looks great! Thanks again!


Danika doing the back float...
Danika jumping off the diving board...
Brodie performing the star fish....

Brodie doing the back crawl through a hoop...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Afternoon......

Brodie and Danika posing for Mom

Danika having a cereal snack

Brodie wishing someone would play catch