Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Playschool Christmas Concert

Danika getting her gift...
Danika and friends singing one of five songs for parents and grandparents enjoyment...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Concert

Sorry the pictures are not great and hopefully you will be able to see the kids... in this one is Brodie.
Cheyenne is in the red dress..
Treyce is holding the sign in the middle and Tyrel Geck is on his right...
Ryley is on the far right....

The Morrows are diversifying...

Here are some of the latest additions to the farm....... 12 bred cows and thinking of buying more...
Hard to see the baby of the bunch...keeping close to Mom.

Happy Birthday Danika!!!

Our baby was FIVE on the fourth of December....here is one of three birthday cakes she got that week.
Here is Aliya, Michelle, Halle, and Madeline to help her celebrate.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

She's "Looking" Better !

Today Danika got her new glasses.... she says that now her eyes are not fuzzy!