Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The tigger in this picture is Brodie. He is with his class doing the Halloween parade through the school.
Danika was an Indian this year. Someone called her Pocahontas and she informed them she was an Indian , not Pocahontas!
The loot. Enough sugar here to keep them on the ceiling for awhile!!!!

Digging Potatoes...Finding A Surprise!

We finally were able to dig our potatoes the other day, however we found not only potatoes in the ground but four sleeping frogs!!!! Here is a close up of one in its little nest. We found it quite amazing as we had never seen a hibernating frog and how they spent their winter! So for those of you that never seen one either here you go.
Here is the potato hauler...
Here is the potato digger... I was the potato cleaner but sorry no picture! hehe

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wrapping Up!!!!!!!!!

My cadilac the last couple months
Almost done...
The end is in sight...
Whooooooo Hoooooo you can't see me but I am doing a happy dance as the last kernels unload into the bin.

Helping Mom With Laundry

Brodie decided to help with laundry and ended up "trying" them on instead.
He has to grow a little to fit into Dads jeans.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall Photos

The Kids...
The Mom and Dad...
The Family