Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mom and Daughter

Have been wanting to take pictures of Danika and myself for sometime... so the other day when it was raining Nevin took some of us. People always say how much Danika looks like me... I never could see it as much as some did but these pictures I can see it more.

I love this picture of Danika... very cute... I may be biased however!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Music Lessons Have Begun!!

Danika pleaded with Nevin and I, to let her start piano this year... not that we were against her playing, but we needed to find a teacher willing to teach her. A lot of them don't like to start them till they can read... however we found one, and Danika loves it. She told us some day she is going to play just like Auntie Susan! So Auntie Susan if you read this thanks for the inspiration!
Here is our future fiddle player... we went, when he was 2, to see professional violin players and he stood on his chair for two hours and listened very intently to them. ( Quite a thing to get him still for that long.) He calls fiddle music mim mims, as that is what it sounds like to him. His great grandpa Morrow played the violin till he was 80... so hopefully Brodie will follow in his footsteps. So far he is liking it...lots of work ahead but we need to start somewhere.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Danika 1st Day of playschool..

Danika started playschool, and is she ever happy! As she thought it most unfair that her brother gets to go to school and she didn't. It is just one morning a week, but it makes her happy!

Saskatchewan Sunsets!!!!!

Looking out our driveway at a very beautiful, red sunset......
one of the nicest I ever saw.....
makes you feel very small in God's creation.....

Happy BIrthday Mom!

Mom came to Saskatchewan for her 60th birthday. Here she is at the airport after she found us in the crowd holding a very big sign wishing her a happy birthday and welcoming her to Saskatchewan.
Here she is later that night with some of the grandkids and her birthday cake from good old DQ!
Here are Danika and Cheyenne modeling their new matching outfits Nana brought... as if they did not look alike enough without the clothes! The boys got matching shirts but they didn't pose for me.