Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Brodie's First Day of Grade 1!!

Brodie started gr.1 on Monday! Hard to believe he is old enough to go.... Mom was sad to see him make the trek down the driveway to wait for the big yellow bus... but he was excited, so I was glad for that.
Getting on the bus...
The warm welcome to his classroom...
Sitting at his desk...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Last Thursday, Danika had her tonsils out. Here she is waiting for surgery.
This is her a few hours after surgery. She recovered very fast. After getting out of the recovery room at 2:30 pm, she never went back to sleep till 9 that night!! She is doing well here at home and is already eating solid food. She is glad to have it all behind her. The one comment she made after they did some blood work was.. " they took a lot of blood from me Mom, but I am not dead yet." I guess to her three tubes of blood was all she had in her. Kids really do say the funniest things.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Beginning Of Harvest...

Was a beautiful evening, and so I took the kids to the fall rye to snap a few shots.
The men have started to swath it now, so I guess that means harvest of 07 has started!