Monday, April 23, 2012

Family Resemblance

I had to take a picture of Nevin and his Dad to send to Aunt Deanna, and took notice again how very much they do look alike. They sound an awful lot alike as well, especially on the phone!  

Wildlife Poster

Danika won first place this year in the wildlife poster contest. Here she is receiving her prize money. The other girl is Madison, one of her friends, who won second. And yes Danika and Madison are only 4 months apart in age....quite a difference in height however!

Monday, March 19, 2012

February Break in Montana!!

Ryley Lennox
Ryley and Danika
Brodie, Heather, Nevin, and Danika
the kids..

The ski lodge where we were..
another ski lodge
mini golfing in Billings
trying to get under par
above out of order, sorry: Brennan Graham, Brodie, Dylan Graham, Abigail Graham, Danika

This year on the February break we went to Montana with Shawn and Catherine Graham and their kids. First to Bozeman, then to Billings. Before we went to Montana, we stayed a night in Swift Current with Trevor, Heather and Ryley Lennox. We skied for two days at Bridger Bowl (close to Bozeman), where it snowed something like 20 inches in the time we were there, thus the reason for no action shots, the big wet flakes made it impossible to take any kind of pictures. I did manage to get a few of us on the deck of the resort. Then we went to the Bozeman hot springs for an afternoon, again impossible to get pictures, then onto Billings where we mostly shopped (found lots of good deals), and played mini golf, in February! It was a great break. If you love skiing we highly recommend Bridger. It is a great hill (mountain), cheaper than Banff and just as far to drive. Also way cheaper to stay in hotels there and food is cheaper as well.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Not a Quiet B-Day Party!

For Brodie's late party we went to Regina for the weekend and stayed with the awesome Daku family! While we were there we played laser tag, (Brodie's choice) however all who played had lots of fun. Joining us for this party were the Argue's as well. Also this same weekend was Nevin's real birthday, so he got a cake as well...thanks to Shauna! Above is everyone who was at laser tag yelling happy birthday to Brodie and whoever this other boy was, Brodie looks as though this was painful.
three great friends Brodie, Bryden Daku, and Riley Argue
Megan Argue, Danika, Delaney Daku...these girls are three years older than Danika but are so good to include her with them
blowing out birthday candles
here the birthday boys are being introduced
a picture of some of the party goers, looking at something on Devin's phone
Nevin's big day, being decorated by Devin
the results
the two birthday boys
blowing out candles again (out of order)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christmas Holidays

Danika taking a break
Brodie, Nevin and Danika by the old house
our tracks in the snow
the living room where Sunday meeting was
peeking in the windows

house through the trees
taking a break..

We had a very quiet Christmas holidays. Staying home for the majority of it. Only venturing out for one night, to go skiing at Wapiti for a day. (no pictures of this adventure). However while at home we had such a relaxing time. Staying up to all hours , playing endless board games, eating, and as the pictures tell snowshoeing. We went through a bush not to far from us until we came to this old house. The house used to belong to Shentons, and it had Sunday morning meeting in it for years.

Quiet Birthday

On Brodie's birthday it was just us four, to help him celebrate his 11th birthday. In a couple of posts you will see where the "real party" took place.

Christmas Concert

Well about the only picture that I got was of Brodie playing his saxophone. We were sitting to far away to get any other good pictures. I do have a whole bunch of the backs of peoples heads but thought you likely would not enjoy them so much.